The National Traveller Youth Mental Health Sevice is a pilot project to co-produce the design of a model for a Youth Mental Health Service for young members of the Traveller community. The project is underpinned by community development principles and best practice guidance for mental health service delivery. The aim of this project is to maximise community involvement in planning, designing, delivering and evaluating a Traveller Youth Mental Health Service for all Traveller children under the age of 18 years. There is extensive evidence that connected and empowered communities are healthy communities. Communities that are involved and engaged in service design and decision making improves people’s health and wellbeing.
This innovative pilot project aims to create a culturally appropriate and accepted model for a Traveller Youth Mental Health Service which can then be proposed to health and social inclusion funders. Through extensive consultation with Traveller youths, parents and organisations the project design, delivery and evaluation will be guided by Traveller community involvement. To guide the development of this project the structure will contain;
Utilising existing relationships with Traveller organisations and the National Traveller Mental Health Network the project will identify and create;